Effective Strategic Leadership (ESL)

Strategic leadership is the ability to lead an organization. A strategic leader is able to define and develop the purpose of the organization, the key strategies, the optimum structure, the right people in the right roles, and the most effective processes for an organization to succeed. The Effective Strategic Leadership program focuses on optimal use of resources, state of the art processes, continuous review and improvement, growth and competitiveness.

This program will focus on the following Competencies;

To improve the Effectiveness and the level of Strategic Thinking of the Manager

    • Understand the power of strategic leadership

    • Develop your strategic purpose

    • Learn the essence of strategic leadership

    • Develop strategic goals

    • Making strategy happen through the organization

To provide a useful and valuable learning experience for the Manager

The following elements are included in our Intervention

·       Lecture/Classroom-based Learning

·       Case Studies

·       Facilitated Discussions

·       Situational Coaching

·       Action Learning

To provide useful tools that would assist in the improvement of the Quality of work produced by the Manager

·       Assigned Readings and Recordings

·       Digital Mytyme Success Planner

·       OPTIONAL – Psychometric and 360Degree Evaluation

To assist in the Development of key Behavioral Competencies for Strategy Development

  • Visualizing strategy via “Blue Ocean” Strategy Concepts - The Strategy Curve and Strategy Curve.

  • Understanding the key obstacles and solutions to Strategy Execution - Cognitive shifts, Resource availability, Motivation and Politics

  • Mapping Organization Strategy to Units and Departments

  • Supporting Strategic Execution by mapping Organization Strategy to Personal Goals

  • Utilizing the Intelligent SWOT (iSWOT). Utilizing data from key Internal and External Customer surveys to support a non-speculative view of the SWOT Analysis

o   Current Situation Assessment

o   Customer Service Assessment

o   Organizational Climate Questionnaire

o   Organization Performance History

o   Strategy Assessment

  • Methods to gain Voluntary Corporation to Strategic Execution via the understanding of Fair Process mechanisms

  • Facilitating out of the box thinking through consideration of the 6 paths to Blue Ocean Creation utilizing concepts from the Book “Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne.

  • Utilizing Situational Analysis mechanisms to improve/refine Tactical Approaches to Strategic Initiative.


  1. The Power of Strategic Leadership

  2. Strategic Purpose: Why We Exist

  3. Strategic Assessment: Where We Stand Now

  4. Strategic Development: Where We Want To Go

  5. Strategic Execution: Making Strategy Happen